Interactive Review, Games and more

This Page will help students review to ensure they have learned each lesson presented thus far with comprehension in order to move forward on our webquest.

Students will spend time on this page using interactive games, quizzes,and activities reviewing the knowledge they have obtained on our webquest.



                  #1.    Matching Dewey Categories .

This quiz will allow you to review your knowledge of the Dewey categories. We will be matching the books on the left to the categories on the right.


            #2. How Much Dewey Can you do ?

  In this quiz we will be entering the 3 digit Dewey Decimal number for the section. Click on the picture to begin.


              #3 Can you Name the classes of Dewey ?

In this quiz lets' time how quickly you can name the classes of the Dewey Decimal System.

Click on the picture to begin.


             #4. Let's Take the Test- The classification and history of the Dewey Decimal System.

                       Click on the picture to begin.











Click on the picture to go begin. This activity provides a tutorial lesson on the shelving of books using the Dewey Decimal System. We will be shelving books in this activity using two different skill sets;Fiction vs NonFiction we will shevle by alphabetical  or numerical order.

Have fun playing the games . Click on the picture to go to the activity.


    Lets's play Hangman. In this game we will learn how to find the perfect books and genre for all of our reading needs.



          Click on the picture to go to begin.                                    



                                                                      The Top Ten Sites of Dewey.


            In this activity students will be given a worksheet. The work sheet will contain questions

            about the   inventor of the Dewey Decimal System,Fiction and Nonfiction Books,and

            Call Numbers.


            Students will write down in which classification the answer to the questions are found and

            the title of a book found in that section or a website used to answer the question.


            Question #1.      Who Made Me ?


            Question #2.     How Can I enjoy my free time ?


             Question #3.     Nature and the world around me ?


             Question #4.     Bibliographies, Books about Books, and Reference Books.


             Question #5.    How can I make people understand me ?



               Dewey Genius Question and Site: :


                                                           What are Cutter Numbers, and how are they read ?